Large Animal Services

  • Herd Health / Preventative medicine

    We prioritize the well-being and longevity of your herd, offering comprehensive health and preventative medicine services tailored for goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, and more.

    Goats Veterinary Mobile Farm Vet
  • Immediate care / Emergency Services

    When urgent health issues arise, our dedicated team is ready to respond swiftly to cater to your large animals' needs. From injuries to sudden illnesses, we prioritize rapid, effective care.

    Cow Mobile Cow Vet Cattle
  • Foot Trims

    We offer meticulous hoof care for goats, sheep, llamas, and alpacas, essential for their overall health and mobility.

    Goat Hoof Trims
  • Potbelly Pigs

    We provide comprehensive annual check-ups, vaccinations, foot trims, tusk trims, and deworming to ensure your potbelly pigs are in peak health. We are well-versed in the unique needs of potbelly pigs, ensuring they receive the most specialized care.

    Potbelly Pig Vet
  • Backyard Chickens

    We emphasize both herd health maintenance and acute care for sick birds. Our veterinary team specializes in preventative strategies to keep your flock thriving, while also being equipped to diagnose and treat ailments ensuring the rapid recovery of affected chickens.

    Chicken Vet Backyard Chickens
  • Surgery

    We offer a comprehensive range of surgical procedures, including but not limited to, the management of lacerations, Cesarean sections, and castrations. Whether it’s a routine procedure or an emergency intervention, you can trust our team to provide the best care possible.

    Alpacas Camelid Vet
  • Euthanasia

    When the time comes to make tough decisions for your large animals, our veterinary team provides a professional and respectful euthanasia service. Post-procedure aftercare options are available for animals under 200lbs to manage the remains in a dignified manner.

    At Home Euthanasia Farm Vet Euth